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From a machine learning novice: After working with machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, or whatever you want to call it, I've grown - as any person who knows little about something, but enough to fake it would be - skeptical and confused. I preface this rant by saying that this only applies to machine learning applications in engineering. Normally, a good algorithm ( or a simulation, in the engineering sense, I gu..
Excerpts from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde In short, most exerpts from this book is Lord Henry rationalizing and romanticizing being an asshole. "An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them. We live in an age when men treat art as if it were meant to be a form of of autobiography. We have lost the abstract sense of beauty. Some day I will show the world what it is; ..." "... that I have give..
On Political Comedy Shows I’ve been watching these late night show political shows, like the ones from Hasan Minhaj, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, and John Oliver. Although they are quite fun to watch, I find it, as always, a bit problematic. To cut to the chase, I think it is rather symbolic of how our generation deals with things. The Wall Street Journal and a survey by Deloitte (https://deloitte.wsj.com/cmo/2019/07/14..
On Dorian Gray To this date, to be fair, I have read half of the book. I am at the morning after he discovered the movements in the paintings. And I’m writing at 3 am in the morning. This book is quite romantic, it starts with these seemingly rich men, lords or some shit, who dont seem to have a single pragmatic worry in their minds, having an eloquent, sophisticated yet base discussion. Then comes Dorian Gray..
Mother I visited a feminism panel discussion a while back. It was a large lecture hall, and was for an hour and a half. The panelists urged for a life `unlike that of my mother’. I had no prior exposure to feminism, so I thought that was quite mean(?) of them, to discredit their mothers’ lives like that. However, as time passed I started to understand them - that what I considered a `mother’s role’, wa..
Parents Leaving As much as I acknowledge the importance of being alone, and being able to thrive by oneself, I hate being alone. We arrived at the place I was to stay. It was a Korean church (or rather, a christian temple of sorts, it was weird). Our family is not religious, but I was legally required to have a guardian, so our broker introduced us to this pastor family. I have only had one encounter with the c..
Beginning (2007) Everything at the airport was cold - the food, the seats, and the people. They probably know that everybody is here temporarily. Things that are accustomed to farewells are cold. Back then I was not. With no consciousness of passage of time, my family and I went from airport to airplane, sleeping, densely packed in a dimly lit canister, feeding on served meals, without knowing which meal of the ..
입대 미국 대학 유학생이라는 어찌보면 세상에서 가장 자유로운 환경에서, 한국 군인이라는 가장 제약이 많은 곳으로, 그렇게 한순간에 바뀌었다. 난 지뢰병이였다. 처음에는 통역병으로 가려고 했다. 아버지가 그러길 바랬기때문에 시험까지 쳤지만, 떨어졌다. 정신승리처럼 들릴수 있겠지만 나는 통역병이 멋있지 않은 직책이라 생각했고, 예전에는 군인은 뭔가 빡센걸 해야하지 않을까 생각을 했다. 그래서 통역병이 떨어지고 해병대를 지원했지만, 할머니의 만류로 빠른 시일내에 논산육군훈련소로 입대를 하게 되었다. 입대날이 다가올때마다 뭔가가 나를 죄어오는것처럼 답답했고, 그런 감정을 잊기 위해 열심히 클럽도 다니고, 놀고 해봤지만, 마음이 더욱 허무하고 슬플 뿐이였다. 그래서 입대하기전 2주부터 편지를 쓰기 시작했다. 지금 생각..