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Quotes from Alain de Botton: The School of Life an Emotional Education """ [consolation over solution] There can wisely be no "solutions", no self-help, of a kind that removes problems altogether. What we. can aim for, at best, is consolation - a word tellingly lacking in glamour. To believe in consolation means giving up on cures; it means accepting that life is a hospice rather than a hospital, but one we'd like to render as comfortable, as interesting and as kin..
Lost connections (Johann Hari) TL;DR version: https://nuclearbae.tistory.com/37 This summary is brief, unstructured, and is mostly consisted of quotes from the book. The quotes are followed by page numbers in parentheses. There’s a troubling increase in the amount of people who are on antidepressents, stimulants, and mental chemicals. ``What once seemed startling has become normal. Without talking about it much, we’ve accepte..
Lost Connections - TL;DR (Johann Hari) I noticed that a significant amount of people that have depression also have ADHD, making it hard for them to read for a long time, so here's a TL;DR version: Author had depression most of his adult life. He took Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) his whole life. It didn’t quite work, so he went on a journey to learn more about depression. He found out that: SSRIs are mostly all placebo. There..
Excerpts from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde In short, most exerpts from this book is Lord Henry rationalizing and romanticizing being an asshole. "An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them. We live in an age when men treat art as if it were meant to be a form of of autobiography. We have lost the abstract sense of beauty. Some day I will show the world what it is; ..." "... that I have give..