분류 전체보기 (56) 썸네일형 리스트형 Credit Score Building your credit score is important. As stupid and boring as this sounds, it is sort of an important score you get that will determine how you will be treated in the financial sector. There are usually four things they consider in determining your score: Payment history Average account history Credit utilization Recent hard inquiries Payment history This is quite intuitive. Don’t miss paymen.. Credit cards - 2 For using credit cards, here’s my strategy. I have a basic spending card that reflects the majority of my spending. For example, the one card that I carry with me gives me rewards on restaurants and coffee, because that’s really all I spend my card for. In my car, I have a credit card for gas and groceries. I have another card for Amazon purchases, registered on my Amazon account, and that’s it... Credit Cards - 1 There are only two scenes in movies where they show credit cards - a scene where a shopaholic goes ham, and where the distressed shopaholic cuts them with scissors to show resolve. It’s treated like it’s crack or something - well, it kinda is. We were always taught of the dangers of credit cards, and are warned that they will ruin your life. It will, if you don’t use it right. I think the first .. Network - 1 Networking / Getting that Job One thing I was surprised to learn is that networking is a huge, huge part of one’s career. Being from Korea, the concept of `networking’, or `knowing people and contacting them for your benefit’ sounded too corrupt, and I was very reluctant to do it. I mean, they do it in Korea, but they’re mostly under the table and illegal. Also, I’m sort of an antisocial person... H1b H1b - Work visa The H1b visa is for graduate level employees (at least undergraduate) that have expertise in `cool fields’ (e.g. IT, finance, law, math, science, etc.). This `cool’ part is completely up to interpretation. Unlike the F1 visa, you do not need a financial statement, because hopefully you’ll make money off of this. It lasts for 3 years per petition (incidence), with an option to do .. Immigration - F1 F1 Visa - Student Visa This is the student visa. This means that you’re a student, and you need a school to sponsor you. A special thing about this visa is that you have to prove that you’re financially taken care of. For me, I had to show my dad’s bank statements, translated to english. In graduate school, I was paid for by the school so I was good. The process of an f1 is basically this: Gets .. Immigration - 1 Oh immigration. I hate it. If you’re a U.S. citizen, feel free to skip this part. If you want to read my rant and what your fellow international students / foreign coworkers go through, feel free to read this section. Again, I am not an expert and this is not legal advice in any way. In the United States, foreigners are required to have this thing called a `visa’. This is not the one with your c.. Budgeting - 2 Tax Withheld (23%) This is somewhat high, and I think you can adjust this with your employer so that less of it is withheld. I tried doing 0%, and getting all my money, but come tax time, I would have to pay taxes rather than getting refunds. So I use this tax withheld thing as a built-in robustness factor, where I overpay taxes, and get some returns come tax time. I know one can say that I’m mi.. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 7 다음 목록 더보기