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Budgeting - 1 Live below your means. If you are to run a mile, what do you do? You give it all you got, you budget for a mile run pace, and you sprint your last quarter lap or something. But if you were in a weird race where they can unexpectedly say `well you gotta run another lap’, ask you to do push ups, or if you’re just generally running for an unknown distance, you should never go 100%. You strategicall..
Purchase Decision - 2 In short, I believe that the reason why we live materialistically is because we don’t know how else. We don’t know how to flex in non-material ways, nor do we know what other virtues are desirable. We simply do not know, or know, but do not know how to obtain them. To be basic, I’m going to blame the marketing companies on this. Material things don’t really have intrinsic functionalities other t..
Purchase Decision - 1 How we buy things have radically changed over the years. I was watching a show on Hulu one day, and since I’m cheap, there were these ads. I don’t perfectly recall, but it was some sort of a generic commercial. But there was a humidifier in it, and I thought, hmm, I need a humidifier. So I pulled out my phone, went to my Amazon app, typed in humidifier, clicked the best selling one, and bought i..
Investing -2 Taxes on Gains Obviously, taxes are fucking inevitable. So taxes are a large part of the consideration when finding a place to invest. For some bizarre reason, different types of income are taxed differently. That is why, allegedly, Warren Buffet has a lower tax rate than his secretary. I won’t go into the details, but generally capital gains (money earned from investing) tax rates are lower tha..
Investing - 1 Alright, now you understand all these accounts and taxes and things, it’s time for you to make your money to good use. There are a million different ways to invest. The definition of investing may be different for everybody but for this book we’ll say it’s anything to do with money to generate money’ - so this includes savings account, stock / bond investing, real estate, and so on. Where do you..
Personal Guide to US Taxpayer -2 Strategies to pay less tax By strategies, I mean various methods we can reduce the `taxable income’ part, meaning that we’d just pay less taxes. Rich people are good at this, so they keep more and pay less. Most of us commoners may not have room or leverage for tax strategies, but the older you get, you can make different strategies. The most common, and approachable `strategy’ is retirement con..
Personal Guide to US Taxpayer - 1 Only two things in certain are death and taxes. When you make money, a sizable chunk gets taxed. And as bizarre as it is, you’re not taxed right away, it all happens once a year. Tax law is quite complicated, and always, always consult a professional on this, read this for a brief, lacking overview. One thing to note before we go on the details - tax is different maybe for different people, so m..
YOLO A long time ago, Siddartha decided to leave all his belongings and ‘find the way’, after seeing the following four sights: an old man, a sick man, a dead man, and an ascetic. Dialing it back, Siddartha is the person who later became the first enlightened one, to ‘start’ buddhism. He was a prince who lived in a castle all his life, surrounded by luxury and pleasure. On his first journey outside a..