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Short Essays

Grandmother I bought my grandmother a set of watercolor painting tools. My mother’s mother lives alone. Her days consist mostly of doing housework, watching the television, and occasionally going out to see her friends. Her spacious apartment is carefully decorated with ornate plates, elegant furniture and smells of fresh hand-brewed coffee. Her bedroom is a room with a bed, and a television almost as big a..
Holiday If we think of holidays, we tend to envision warm beaches far away or urban skyscrapers with expensive restaurants, where we stay at hotels and eat in restaurants, where freshly cooked meals are served by people whose job is to smile at you. After a day of being serviced here and there, we return to our hotel room, which is cleaned and organized. We feel respected, there are people serving us. I..
Group Projects - the Archetypal Journey We are taught, from an early age, that teamwork is essential. From a young age, we are trained to ‘do well in teams’ and ‘cooperate with friends’. Naive young children, whose simple life allows the luxury of altruism, do this rather effortlessly, and play well with others, and help each other to achieve common goals. Adults, on the other spectrum, have no choice but to cooperate and work in the ..
인종차별 지금도 많이 생각하는 주제지만 인종 차별은 멀리 있지 않다. 악의적인 의도를 가지고 인종차별을 하는 사람들은 극히 드물다고 생각한다, 다만 노출의 차이일 뿐이라고 생각한다. 굉장히 쓸데없이 복잡한 비유를 하자면 마치 머신러닝 알고리즘과 비슷하다고 볼수 있다고 생각한다. 많은 데이터에 노출되지 못한 알고리즘은 그만큼 제한된 모델링을 할수 밖에 없다. 사람도 마찬가지라고 생각한다, 무엇이 옳고 그른지, 어떤 데이터에 노출되고, 어떤 경험을 하고, 본인이 어떤 상황에 놓여있는지, 가 중요한 것 같다. 내가 중 고등학교때 만난, 그리고 지금도 가끔 만나는, 사람들이 그러하다. 그들은 다양함이나 다문화에 대한 교육을 받은적도 없고, 그런 데이터에 노출된 적이 없다. 그래서 그들은 그냥 순수하게 모르는 것 뿐이다...